Little Abbey Zoom Workshop
Supply list:
1 quarter sheet (about 11” x 14”) Arches 140 lb. watercolor paper. (Bring more if you are a fast painter)
Support board (please use size about size 14” x 18”, which is slightly larger than a quarter sheet). I use plywood board or foam core.
Bring your watercolor palette filled with your usual colors, making sure that you let them dry in the palette for one or two days. (The reason for this, is that I double load colors and if they are fresh out of the tube, you won’t be able to do this procedure. However, if you are used to using fresh watercolors, you may do that.) Because everyone always asks, my palette is as follows. I use mainly transparent colors. (Please do not feel that you must go out and buy these colors. The most important 5 colors are listed first.) Aureolin yellow, permanent rose (or DaVinci red rose deep), cobalt blue, winsor green, alizarin crimson, antwerp blue, French ultramarine blue, manganese blue, cerulean blue, quinacridone gold, burnt sienna, permanent magenta, winsor red, neutral tint, and scarlet lake.
Watercolor brushes (bring your favorites) I use 1” flat and ½ “flat, and a small (#6) round brush.
One acrylic 1/2” flat brush (for applying matte medium)
#2 Pencil, eraser
Sketch pad or notebook for taking notes.
Ruler, Scissors
Water containers (old Cool Whip containers work great) bring 2.
Masking tape. (Please don’t bring colored masking tape. It influences your color choices.)
Kleenex brand tissues (because they pop up for easy grabbing) AND/OR paper towels
Sponge or rag for wiping off your brushes.
Spray bottle (I use a push button top, old Windex bottle. You can usually get these at Holiday gas stations.)
Blow dryer (optional)
Masking fluid (My favorite is Pebeo brand, available through Cheap Joes catalog.)
Palette knife or plastic disposable plastic knife.
White and black heavy body acrylic paints
Collage papers. Regular tissue paper (that you wrap gifts with), old magazines, and napkins work great for this process. Another good idea is old sewing patterns. They are a good neutral color.
napkins that have repetitive shapes on them. (For instance, black and white checks, or polka dots that are in high contrast. Cocktail napkins with colorful borders are a favorite of mine.) I use card stock papers for this collage purposes too.
Acrylic matte medium or YES paste (to use for gluing the collage pieces)
ATG tape, or double stick tape. Get the ones that are in small dispensers in the scrapbooking section at Michaels Craft Store.
Gold Reactive Foil (available at Hobby Lobby) OR Gold Foil Paper (available at www.Joggles.com)
Pebeo Porcelaine Gold paint tube (available at Dick Blick and Cheap Joes Catalog)
Permanent black markers, ultrafine and fine tips. ( I love the Sharpie Twin Top black marker)
Optional items: (all of the items below are OPTIONAL and not needed for the actual projects)
Caran d Ache watersoluble crayons
Colored markers for detail work. My favorite brand is Tombow, but I also like Prismacolors. I also use acrylic markers sometimes, (Molotow brand).
White permanent marker or gold markers also come in handy for details. My favorite white marker is Uniball white marker.
If you have questions about the supplies, my email is: karen@karenknutson.com