Starting Traditionally, Moving to Abstraction. (watercolor and collage)
Watercolor paper: Arches 140 pound cold press. One full sheet, unless you are fast, bring 2.
Brushes. If you already have oil painting brushes or acrylic brushes, bring those. I use mainly 3 brushes: 1” flat, ½” flat, and #6 round. Otherwise, I use a big 2 or 3” cheap brush for preparing the paper at the beginning. ( I have lots of extra 2” cheap brushes for you to use.)
Bring approximately 12” x 16” foam core board or gator board for support. We’ll probably be working on quarter sheet sizes (size 11” x 15” or 11" x 11" sizes.)
Watercolors. Bring your favorites. My main 5 colors that I always use are cobalt blue, aureolin yellow, permanent rose, alizarin crimson, thalo green (yellow shade). (Alizarin crimson and thalo green make a great black!). Otherwise, I use ultramarine blue, burnt Sienna, manganese blue, cerulean blue, quinacridone yellow, new gamboge, raw Sienna, neutral tint, scarlet lake.
watercolor brushes. I like 1" flat, 1/2" flat, and #6 round, but bring whatever brushes you are comfortable with.
Water container (I use big Parkay tubs). Sponge for wiping off your brush.
Windex bottle (push button top) for spraying water. Empty Windex out and put water in the bottle. (You can usually find these at Holiday Gas Stations or convenience stores.)
Kleenex tissues ( because they pop up for fast grabbing)
Acrylic matte medium (Liquitex is my favorite) and (an old brush for applying it. I use a 1/2 inch flat brush.)
One package of colorful napkins for our napkin exchange. (Try to pick napkins that have busy shapes like checks or are very colorful). We will be using these for collage.
Tracing paper (Get at Dick Blick or Michaels) and graphite paper (My favorite is Saral, available at Dick Blick)
Notebook, pencil, and eraser
Scissors and/or exacto knife
Interior decorator magazine, for making design sketches.
Black permanent markers (fine and ultra fine tips). I prefer Sharpie Twin Top black markers.
Any gold or metallic acrylic paints that you already have. Again, I have some to share with you.
Optional: Pebeo gold Porcelaine outliner paint (in tube) I got mine through the Cheap Joes catalog.
I will be bringing 2 ATG double stick tape dispensers. If you already have one, you are welcome to bring it. Otherwise, we will take turns using mine.
These next items, I will be bringing along to share with you for a small fee. If you want to buy your own, that's fine too. I'm just trying to keep the cost down for you you all. :)
iCraft Gold Deco Foil and/or copper Deco foil. You can buy your own at www.scrapbook.com. Also available at Hobby Lobby or JoAnne Fabrics (it’s called gold reactive foil there and comes in 12” rolls and 6” rolls.
Any markers that you would like to embellish your paintings with. I use gold, black and white mainly for the finishing touches.
Old magazines, music sheets, or dictionary pages to use for color samples and possibly in collage.
Reference photos of your choice. Flowers, dragonflies, birds are all good ideas. Bring whatever reference photos expanded to a size that works well on a quarter sheet. (11" x 15" paper)
Optional: Caran d’Ache neocolor II water- soluble crayons. Bring your favorite colors. (I use neon lilac, lime green, bright orange, and bright sky blue.)
Wear layers, since sometimes it gets too hot for some or too cool for others. Also, bring a protective apron, or wear old clothes.
**Please feel free to email me if you have any questions: karen@karenknutson.com