Supply list for Charcoal Pour Paintings Workshop, (charcoal, watercolor and collage)
Venice Art Center
Instructor: Karen Knutson
1 sheet 140 pound cold press paper and a board to use for support. (We will probably be working on quarter sheets. Use either gator board or I prefer a plywood board for support.) Or watercolor blocks work well also. I usually like to cut the paper to size each day, because I work on odd sized papers.
#2 Pencil, eraser
Scissors and/or utility knife
Sketch pad or notebook for taking notes.
white chalk or white charcoal pencil
Palette knife (optional) I use this to apply masking fluid, so make sure that it fits in the top of that bottle. Also, a plastic picnic knife works good for this.
Watercolor brushes (bring your favorites) I use 1” flat and ½ “flat, and a small (#6) round brush.
Water containers (old Cool Whip containers work great) bring 2.
Bring a plastic container with a lid for storing the acrylic matte medium. (I use small butter containers or sour cream plastic containers.)
Masking tape
Kleenex brand tissues (because they pop up for easy grabbing)
Sponge or rag for wiping off your brushes.
Margarita salt or table salt
Spray bottle (I use a push button top, old Windex bottle. You can usually get these at Holiday gas stations.)
Blow dryer (optional)
Bring your palette filled with your usual colors. I like to let them dry in the palette for one or two days. You may prefer to use your watercolors fresh out of the tube. Your choice! Because everyone always asks, my palette is as follows. I use mainly transparent colors. (Please do not feel that you must go out and buy these colors. The most important 5 colors are listed first.) Aureolin yellow, permanent rose (or DaVinci red rose deep), cobalt blue, winsor green, alizarin crimson, antwerp blue, French ultramarine blue, manganese blue, cerulean blue, quinacridone gold, burnt sienna, permanent magenta, winsor red, neutral tint, and scarlet lake.
Camera (optional) If you want to take photos of my demonstration in progress, that’s OK with me.
Bring one package of napkins that have repetitive shapes (ie., checks or diamonds). We’ll have a napkin exchange. These will give you ideas for negative painting later. (Also, bring old newspapers to use for collage)
Bring a big bucket if you have one. (kids sand buckets work great!)
Acrylic matte medium OR “Yes” paste is used for adhesive (with an old brush) to apply the collage materials.
Masking fluid (optional) I use Pebeo brand, because of it’s fluidity and that it is grey in color.
Tracing paper
Permanent black marker (ultra fine and fine tips). I love the Twin Top Sharpie black marker.
Graphite paper (a great brand is Saral, graphite color)
We will be using a few acrylics for finishing touches, so bring white, black acrylic for sure. (I have some othere colors of acrylic to share, but for sure bring white and black.) Also, bring a couple of acrylic brushes.
Bag lunch or you can eat in the cafe at VAC.
Reference photos of colored birds, that are enlarged to about size 7” high. We will be copying these to use for the outside shape. I will be painting a blue heron.
*Be sure to dress in layers, so you can adjust to your hot flashes. ☺ Also, wear old clothing and old shoes. This can be messy.
Karen will bring along these supplies and charge a small fee for the use of them:
Dry Charcoal powder.
Workable fixative spray
(Optional) Caran d Ache crayons
If you have questions about the supplies, my email is: karen@karenknutson.com