Dates: January 17 and 18, 2017
Location: Sedona, AZ
Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Cost: Members: $175,
Non-members: $210
***Students may sign up for either of these Sedona workshops OR both of them. Each workshop is 2 days and completely separate from the other one.
The first day: Painting funky ladies is great for the beginner as well as the experienced watercolor student. We learn how to draw a face in the simplest manner, and students are encouraged to exaggerate the features of the face. Silliness is encouraged! Students will learn how to use elegant writer pens and some metal accents, along with sparkly earrings, and other embellishments. These paintings actually are great for the imagination, and afterwards, they make great greeting cards when reproduced.
The second day: Wire drawings are a way of drawing to produce an effect that looks like a wire sculpture. This process will make all of your paintings better! If you struggle with your drawing skills, you actually will do better than the experienced artist! We start with a pencil and then change to a permanent marker. Students will get to choose whether they want to add color using watercolors. Subject will be student’s choice. Anything works!

Supply list for Funky Ladies and Wire Drawings:
1 sheet 140 pound cold press paper and a board to use for support. (We will probably be working on 2 or 3 quarter sheets. Use either gator board or I prefer a plywood board for support.) Or watercolor blocks work well also.
Bring your palette filled with your usual colors, making sure that you let them dry in the palette for one or two days. (The reason for this, is that I double load colors and if they are fresh out of the tube, you won’t be able to do this procedure. However, if you are used to using fresh watercolors, you may do that.) Because everyone always asks, my palette is as follows. I use mainly transparent colors. (Please do not feel that you must go out and buy these colors. The most important 5 colors are listed first.) Aureolin yellow, permanent rose (or DaVinci red rose deep), cobalt blue, winsor green, alizarin crimson, neutral tint, antwerp blue, French ultramarine blue, manganese blue, cerulean blue, quinacridone gold, burnt sienna, permanent m agenta, winsor red, and scarlet lake.
Watercolor brushes (bring your favorites) I use 1” flat and ½ “flat, and a small (#6) round brush.
Water containers (old Cool Whip containers work great) bring 2.
Sponge or rag for wiping off your brushes.
Sketch pad or notebook for taking notes.
#2 Pencil, eraser
Scissors and/or utility knife
Masking tape (I prefer Duck brand tape, because it sticks well. Get at Walmart or Fleet Farm.)
Kleenex brand tissues (because they pop up for easy grabbing)
Margarita salt or table salt
Spray bottle (I use a push button top, old Windex bottle. You can usually get these at Holiday gas stations.)
Blow dryer (optional)
Permanent fine and ultrafine tipped black markers ( I prefer the Twin Top Sharpie black markers, available at office supply stores)
Self-stick gem stickers (to use for the necklaces of the funky ladies. I get mine at Michaels Craft Store. Anything to add bling-bling.
Bag lunch
No reference photos necessary for the funky ladies. If you have something in mind to draw for the wire drawings, bring reference photos for that. I will have extra bird reference photos. Animals work well for wire drawings. Also, birds, butterflies or dragonflies. I will bring reference pictures for the first wire drawing of a chicken or crow, to learn the basics.
Colored markers for detail work. I like Tombow brand (available at Dick Blick Art Supply), but whatever you have will work.
Optional- Pebeo gold outliner pen. It comes in a tube. (Look in the glass painting section at Michaels or Cheap Joes catalog)
Camera (optional) If you want to take photos of my demonstration in progress, that’s OK with me.
Optional- Masking fluid I use Pebeo brand, because of its fluidity and that it is grey in color.
Optional- Gold pens for detail.
*Be sure to dress in layers, so you can adjust to your hot flashes. J
Karen will bring along these supplies and charge a small fee for the use of them:
Optional- White Uni-ball pigment ink pen.
Optional- Glue Gun (Karen will bring one, just in case we need it.)
(Optional) Caran d Ache crayons
If you have questions about the supplies, my email is: karen@karenknutson.com