Location: Keetons Office and Art Supply, 817 Manatee Ave W, Bradenton, FL 34205
Contact: keetonsonline.com
Hours: 9:00 - 4:00
Dates: April 10, 2018
Cost: $75
This is my new favorite thing to do: wire drawings. They are done with permanent markers, but they look like they are wire sculptures! That’s why I invented the name, “wire drawings”. If you struggle with drawing, that's good, because wrong lines actually make these better. There are many steps to create the look of a 3 dimensional image. It has to be seen to be understood. Watercolor will enhance these paintings. Wire drawing will make all of your paintings better in a speedy manner. This workshop has been a hit with all classes!
2 quarter sheets Arches 140 pound cold press paper (size 11” x 15”) and a hard surface to use for support. (Use either gator board or I prefer a plywood board.) We will be working on about quarter sheet sizes, but you may want to wait until class to divide your paper.
Pencil and eraser
Permanent black marker (fine tip and ultra fine tip) (I like the Sharpie Twin Tip)
Sketch pad or notebook for taking notes.
Watercolor brushes (bring your favorites) I use 1” flat and ½” flat, and a small (#6) round brush.
Water containers (old Cool Whip containers work great) bring 2.
Masking fluid (optional) I use Pebeo drawing gum (available through Cheap Joe’s catalog)
Masking tape (The brand I use is Duck or Manco, purchased at Fleet Farm or Wal-Mart.) Don’t bring blue masking tape. It affects your color choices.
Kleenex brand tissues (because they pop up for easy grabbing)
Sponge or rag for wiping off your brushes.
Margarita salt or table salt (optional)
Spray bottle (I use a push button top, old Windex bottle).
Blow dryer (optional)
Bring your palette filled with your usual colors. Because everyone always asks, my palette is as follows. (Please do not feel that you must go out and buy these colors) They are listed in the order of importance, the first 5 being my main choices.**Cobalt blue, aureolin yellow, permanent rose, alizarin crimson, and winsor green. Antwerp blue, quinacridone gold, neutral tint OR paynes grey, scarlet lake, manganese blue or cerulean blue, French ultramarine blue, burnt sienna, permanent magenta, and winsor red. (I prefer Winsor Newton brand, although I use Davinci red rose deep instead of Winsor Newton permanent rose.)
Reference photos. For the wire drawing, we will be doing a drawing of a chicken or crow first. I will provide the reference photos for that. Then you get to pick your subject, so bring whatever you are interested in. Animals, people, dragonflies, butterflies, flowers, still life, whatever!
Bag lunch
At lunch, I love it when students bring a favorite new book, or discovery to share with the class. Show and tell is encouraged!
If you have any questions, please contact Karen’s email: karen@karenknutson.com