Beverly Hennessy
Hours: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Dates: February 20 - 23, 2017
Location: The Villages, Florida
Painting white flowers can be tricky, but Karen Knutson has secrets to make it easy. Students may pick any white flower for their reference, but Karen will be demonstrating orchids. Adding collage texture with handmade papers will make this workshop a really fun adventure! Abstract design will be discussed and the students will come away with design tips to help all of their paintings, no matter what the subject is! The flower paintings will be completed on the first 2 days of the workshop.
The last 2 days will be spent on Karen’s new favorite thing to do: wire drawings. They are done with permanent markers, but they look like they are wire sculptures! That’s why she invented the name, “wire drawings”. Subjects will be the student’s choice. Karen is intending to paint a butterfly or a dragonfly! Students will add color, using acrylic paint, as in the picture here. (supply list below)
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